Notification Emails

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Notification Emails

Post by SeeNoEvil »

I've just installed the Prime Notify mod to the board. Previously when a PM was sent to you from another user, you got a notification email which simply stated that you had a new message, not what the message was, which basically meant that all your PMs were stored on this board (unless you specifically export each message manually). The new Prime Notify mod allows the message content to be displayed in the notification email.

I've done this as a week or so ago I was searching through some old emails to find something, and realized that it must have been in a PM which was sent on the old GamesMasterLive forums, and as they are no more, that information was just gone forever. That minded me to modify the code on this board to ensure the same thing doesn't happen here.

Now people can save their PM notification emails so they have their own local copies of each PM sent to them regardless of what happens to this board years down the line.

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