Naomi & Jamma advice

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Naomi & Jamma advice

Post by Cyber-Hazuki »

Looking for a bit of advice, some of you may remember from before Im a big Dreamcast collector, well now I want to get into the Naomi but the problem is I have no idea of what I need exactly.

I don't want to buy a cab due to space constraints but I know you can create some kind of setup to connect it to a TV (I/O board, PSU etc), so from what I gather you can connect the naomi board directly to a monitor but I need to know what I need to get the whole thing up and running, I know some of you are into this sort of thing so any info would be awesome. :D

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Re: Naomi & Jamma advice

Post by Xenepp »

You will need obviously a Naomi motherboard and either some cart games or GD ROM games. Some were released on both, others just on one format. If you do get GD-ROM games, you will need a dimm board that plugs into the cart slot and a GD ROM drive. Probably cheaper to get them all together.

Beyond that you will need a VGA capable monitor (640x480), a power supply ( you can find these on ebay now and again, or you can build your own with a PC PSU and some plugs), a Naomi I/O board which plugs into the Naomi's USB socket and then a joystick to hack onto the I/O. Finally you will need an amplifier for the sound. Any normal amp or powered speakers with phono inputs will do.

It's not a massive undertaking, but you will need to do some soldering and a sacrificial stick/pad.

Giz10p is a great place to get Naomi parts, though his prices on some parts are a bit steep. For wiring he's a safe bet. For the rest I'd wait for it to pop up on ebay.

Save for that, I know you don't want to get a cab but Naomis often pop up on ebay for cheap with a game in there. If you get a GD-ROM game you are set, just rip out what you need and sell the cab.

Here's a great place for just about anything you want to know:

If you get stuck give me a shout ;)

BTW, totally OT but were you interested in selling that busted 3DO?

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Re: Naomi & Jamma advice

Post by Cyber-Hazuki »

Right, I think I'll sort this all out after the new year.

As for the 3DO, I actually managed to fix it, turns out it was as simple as replacing a fuse inside the system!

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